Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation
The GWHCC Foundation is the nonprofit arm of the Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce that provides technical assistance to low- and medium-income businesses.
For more than 39 years, the GWHCCF has been helping Hispanics and other minorities open successful businesses and providing technical assistance to existing business owners through its programs with the Department of Housing and Community Development (DC DHCD), DC Health Link, Mayor’s Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Affairs, the Mayor's Office on Latino Affairs (MOLA), Small Business Administration (SBA), and more.
For more than 39 years, the GWHCCF has been helping Hispanics and other minorities open successful businesses and providing technical assistance to existing business owners through its programs with the Department of Housing and Community Development (DC DHCD), DC Health Link, Mayor’s Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Affairs, the Mayor's Office on Latino Affairs (MOLA), Small Business Administration (SBA), and more.
Foundation's Mission
The Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation seeks to strengthen the economic opportunities of small business owners by:
In pursuit of this mission, the GWHCCF Small Business Advancement Program or Small Business Technical Assistance provides:
- Practical workshop, webinars and business to business networking events. View our events.
- Customized, one-on-one technical assistance to low and middle-income enterprises. Apply for the Small Business Technical Assistance Program.
- Small Business "Host Center" and Academy Program with the DC Small Business Development Center.
Contact the GWHCC Foundation
Interested in Technical Assistance, attending one of our webinar, or looking to start a business? Get in touch with us!